Album Review: Kristin Hoffmann | RainShine | Music | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

Kristin Hoffmann | RainShine


Cushioned by sparse piano, blankety percussion, cinematic strings, and soaring vocals, Kristin Hoffman's RainShine is at first calming, although listeners beckoned deeper into the album will find that it is in fact a work of searing intensity. In RainShine, the Juilliard-trained, New Paltz-based singer creates textural tracks that reward patient, eyes-closed listening, ultimately creating a soundtrack for some of our most mind-expanding endeavors—they strive for self-understanding and the exploration of our interconnectedness. Swirling and suspenseful, Hoffman masterfully dials dynamics to create enveloping swells that creep up on the listener, such as on the title track, making the entries of Hoffman's operatic voice immediately arresting. "Release Me, Reveal Me" is the most anthemic of the album, hinting at Hoffmann's seasoned abilities as she develops a gentle motif into a fiery soundscape over eight minutes. A subtle stamp throughout the album, the tracks are allowed to build, breathe, and burn out without rush or stubborn objective.

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