Bang on a Can LOUD Weekend at Mass MoCA | Music | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine
click to enlarge Bang on a Can LOUD Weekend at Mass MoCA
Meredith Monk

Back for its 23rd year at Mass MoCA is the Bang on a Can Summer Music Festival, which will culminate on August 1, 2, and 3 with the contemporary music organization’s LOUD Weekend mini-festival.

LOUD Weekend will see the multi-arts facility’s Hunter Center stage taken over for three days by a roster filled with celebrated special guests, Bang on a Can faculty artists, and younger players performing music within and beyond the intersecting spheres of modern classical, jazz, rock, and experimental/avant-garde sounds.

The series begins with a performance by Duet Behavior, which features renowned composer Meredith Monk and percussionist John Hollenbeck. Other festival highlights include “Memory Game” featuring Meredith Monk and Vocal Ensemble with the Bang on a Can All-Stars; cellist Maya Beiser’s variation of Terry Riley’s “In C”; Queens College Gamelan Yowana Sari performing a new work by Michael Gordon; Tristan Perich’s “Dual Synthesis” for electronics and harpsichord; GEORGE featuring Anna Webber, Sarah Rossy, Chiquita Magic, John Hollenbeck; HxH (Chris Williams and Lester St. Louis); White Fire; visiting guest composers Huang Ruo, Marcos Balter, Mathew Rosenblum, Annika Socolofsky, Jeffery Brooks; music by Louis Andriessen, Julius Eastman, David Lang, Julia Wolfe, and more.

The Bang on a Can LOUD Weekend festival will take place August 1-3 at Mass MoCA in North Adams, Massachusetts. Three-day passes are $149. See website for festival schedule and additional details.

Peter Aaron

Peter Aaron is the arts editor for Chronogram.
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