Cancer Horoscope | July 2024 | Cancer | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine

CANCER (June 21–July 22)

To secure your own safety and stability you must go your own way this month. If others want to follow you, terrific! Don't be seduced into thinking that what other people are doing is correct, simply because most people are doing it. History has proven that it's completely possible for most people to be wrong. Beware of over-valuing whatever is considered "normal." We are living in times of rapid change. Seeking out the "weirdos" and people who seem to be on the vanguard of the things you're interested in will pay off in big ways.

Cory Nakasue

Cory Nakasue is an astrology counselor, writer, and teacher. She counsels clients and teaches modern astrology with a generous nod to traditional practices and wisdom studies. Storytelling is a cornerstone of her work and you can tune in to her weekly radio show/podcast, The Cosmic Dispatch on Radio Kingston and...
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