July 2024 Astrology Report | Monthly Forecast | Hudson Valley | Chronogram Magazine
click to enlarge July 2024 Astrology Report
Frenzy, Stephanie Anderson, graphite on clayboard, from "Drawn to Precision: In Monochrome" at Spencertown Academy of the Arts.

July will serve as a meditation on the many expressions of heat:

The friction that initiates new feelings and ideas, the desire to radiate and express oneself, and the strengthening and suppression of these very things. Multiple inner planet aspects to Uranus and Pluto during the entire month create a volatile and shadowy atmosphere under the bright rays of the Sun. Carl Jung describes this type of juxtaposition best with his oft quoted "the brighter the light the darker the shadow."

Multiple planets move into the sign of Leo throughout the month (the Sun enters on July 22). As they do, they will oppose Pluto, Lord of the Underworld, in Aquarius. Oppositions signify standoffs, stare-downs, bids for control, and deep excavations. That this is happening in the opposing signs of Leo and Aquarius symbolizes reckonings between self-interest and the welfare of humanity at large, celebrity/authoritarian culture and decentralized power structures, and the corrupted side of both elite pageantry and collective justice movements. Personally, this can be experienced as deep yearnings to be seen, and to hide. 

A full Moon in Capricorn on the 21st looks especially powerful, as it is conjoined to Pluto and makes multiple aspects to Mars, Uranus, and Neptune. A tense aspect between Mercury and Uranus on this day promises startling news and breakthrough thinking.

The crackling lightning rod of energy that is Uranus will also be felt this month with an explosive square aspect between Mars and Uranus on the 15th. This may provide rude awakenings of all sorts. While daunting, this could be extremely useful for removing stubborn blockages or ending stale circumstances of all kinds. Mars's entrance into Gemini on July 20 fans the flames of this month's incendiary astrology with unpredictable winds of change.

Cory Nakasue

Cory Nakasue is an astrology counselor, writer, and teacher. She counsels clients and teaches modern astrology with a generous nod to traditional practices and wisdom studies. Storytelling is a cornerstone of her work and you can tune in to her weekly radio show/podcast, The Cosmic Dispatch on Radio Kingston and...
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