"ab-strac-tion" – Through Media, Process and Symbol | Art on Main | Art Exhibits | Chronogram Magazine

"ab-strac-tion" – Through Media, Process and Symbol

“Corallium 36"
“Corallium 36"
Karen Dolmanisth creates installations and experiential environments through a wide variety of art disciplines. Virginia Bradley says “The alchemical and physical processes of painting are the foundation of my creative practice.” By using diverse materials and physical acts, like an alchemist, she transforms the work and then adds and subtracts into the painting surface. Chris Malcomson’s abstract paintings are often portals inviting the viewer to explore other layers of consciousness. His work normally evolves through words, drawings, symbols and color. Reception: Saturday, October 12, 2 – 4 pm Artist Talk: Saturday, October 26, 2pm Gallery Open – Thursday to Sunday,
  • Art on Main

    38 Main Street, West Stockbridge Stockbridge


    3 events