Free Spiral House Park Family Friendly Trail Opening Oct. 13 and 14 | Free Spiral House Park Trail Opening Oct, 13 & 14, 10 am-5 pm | Kids & Family, Outdoors & Recreation, Art Exhibits | Chronogram Magazine

Free Spiral House Park Family Friendly Trail Opening Oct. 13 and 14

Uploaded by Spiral House Park
Spiral House Park
Get Tickets Free - registration required
Spiral House Park is home to the late artist Tom Gottsleben's 5-story spiral home based on sacred geometry and his crystal glass and stone sculpture. It also features native and traditional ornamental gardens, geological interest points, 1.5-miles of hiking trails (part of which is wheelchair accessible), extensive stone walls, spring-fed quarry ponds, and magnificent Catskill Mountain views. Enjoy a 10/13 walk led by arborist Vern Rist and a 10/14 walk led by geologist Robert Titus, both from 10:30 am-12:30 p.m. Bring a picnic lunch and walk the grounds. The only pets allowed are service dogs as defined by ADA guidelines.