Meadows Matter: How to create a meaningful meadow | Boscobel House and Gardens | Lectures & Talks | Chronogram Magazine

Meadows Matter: How to create a meaningful meadow

During this full day symposium, you will hear from five experts on why meadows are important, various types, implementation, maintenance and the cultural importance. After lunch, participants will be able to sign up and visit various types of meadows locally. Schedule: 8:45: Arrival and Welcome 9:00am: Session 1: Janis Butler: Who needs a Meadow? 9:35am: Session 2: Erin Muir: To Seed or Not to Seed? 10:10am: Session 3: Bryan Quinn: Creating Meadows in the Hudson Valley 10:45am: Coffee Break 11:05am: Session 4: Toshi Yano: Setting Slow Meadows in Motion 11:40am: Session 5: Scott Stevens 12:15pm: Lunch 1:00pm: Session 3