Serenading the Summer Moon - a concert/cabaret of songs in English, French and Ukrainian | The Local | Music Shows | Chronogram Magazine

Serenading the Summer Moon - a concert/cabaret of songs in English, French and Ukrainian

Uploaded by Vira Slywotzky
Serenading the Summer Moon
Get Tickets $29.50 all fees included
Join Slywotzky & Sytkowski on a joyous and contemplative musical journey. Contralto Vira Slywotzky of New York City and pianist David Sytkowski of Saugerties perform a concert/cabaret of classical and popular songs in English, French and Ukrainian selected for their beauty and ability to entertain and move. Love songs and dance tunes, ballads and explorations of regret by celebrated composers and writers of the past and present, including those with deep roots in the Hudson Valley. Don’t miss this one night Serenading of the Summer Moon - get your tickets now!
  • The Local

    16 John Street, Saugerties Saugerties

    (917) 292-6812

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