SHABOOM: PRESUMED IGNORANT Opening | Art Omi | Art Exhibits | Chronogram Magazine


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SHABOOM, MAN IN THE MIRROR, 2022. Performance documentation, Fusebox Festival at Museum of Human Achievement. Photo: Ismael Quintanilla. Courtesy of the artists
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Join us for the opening of the first institutional exhibition of the collective SHABOOM—created by artists Silky Shoemaker, Paul Soileau, and Lex Vaughn. On view from October 5, 2024–January 26, 2025, SHABOOM: PRESUMED IGNORANT takes up the golden era of '90s court tv with an installation that will be activated by the most juvenile of antics, as well as billboards and happenings in the wild co-produced by Shandaken Projects. Embracing slapstick, SHABOOM presents scenes that teeter on the edge of disaster and teem with slips, flops, and the cheapest of pleasures.
  • Art Omi

    1405 County Route 22, Ghent Ghent


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