"Ulysses" | Fisher Center at Bard College | Theater | Chronogram Magazine


If there’s one theatrical ensemble in America that is up for taking on James Joyce's Ulysses, it’s Elevator Repair Service. Founded in 1991 by John Collins, who for 13 years worked as a sound designer at the pivotal Wooster Group (the alma mater of Willem Defoe and Spalding Gray), Elevator Repair Service—cited as “one of New York City’s few truly essential theater companies” by the New York Times—has produced acclaimed adaptations of other modernist works including a version of William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury; “The Select,” a reworking of Ernest Hemingway’s The Sun Also Rises; and, most famously, “Gatz,” an eight-hour performance of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby.