Unveiling the Vortex: A Cantastoria Preview | Rail Trail Cafe | Theater | Chronogram Magazine

Unveiling the Vortex: A Cantastoria Preview

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Redwing Blackbird Theater brings "The Picture Story of Hannah Arendt" for children & adults to the Rail Trail Cafe. Hannah, a German Jew who escaped to the U.S., wrote about 60 to 80 books if you count the translations. Stephen R. Johnson is joining us as we build together a temporary life-size village for people who have lost their homes in times of war. The temporary homes that we are making use bamboo & paper. The design is inspired by photos in the book "Light in Gaza" & "Karagoz": Turkish Shadow Theater
  • Rail Trail Cafe

    Stone Mt. Farm, 310 River Road Ext., New Paltz Rosendale


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